television monitor |
Saya sering mendengar televisi ukuran 14, 17 inchi atau sekarang sudah banyak ukuran 32 inchi dan seterusnya. Yang saya bingung, ukuran inchi itu diukurnya dari mana ya? Akhirnya saya tahu cara menentukan ukuran inchi dari televisi.
(I often heard about size of the television, 14 inch, 17 inch and now is a common size of television in 32 inch. The one that make me confuse is how can I know where that inch size come from? Finally, I know to measure size of a television).
Ukuran inchi seperti 14?, didapatkan dengan mengukur diagonal/sisi miring layar televisi. Pada gambar diatas bagian hitam adalah casing televisi sedangkan yang putih adalah layarnya. Jadi ukuran suatu televisi diukur pada layar, yaitu sisi miringnya seperti garis panah merah pada gambar diatas.
(Inch size like 14", can be obtained by measuring the diagonal of television screen. On the picture above the black color represent the casing of television and the white one is the screen. So, the size of the television is the length of red double arrow on the picture above)
(Inch size like 14", can be obtained by measuring the diagonal of television screen. On the picture above the black color represent the casing of television and the white one is the screen. So, the size of the television is the length of red double arrow on the picture above)
Untuk ukuran lebih besar seperti 17?, 21 ?, 32? cara mengukurnya pun sama.. (To the bigger size like 17", 21", 32", we can use the same way to measure those size.)
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